Brotdosen, Lunchboxen, Bentodosen ohne Schadstoffe & BPA-frei

22.03.2018 12:06:00 / Kivanta Aktion
Brotdosen, Lunchboxen, Bentodosen ohne Schadstoffe & BPA-frei

Das ist bei uns sicherlich nicht anders als bei den Briten. Wenn ihr in Zukunft auch mehr "healthy choices", die auch noch Geld sparen, machen wollt, dann findet ihr bei uns auf alle Fälle die passende Dose für eure Bedürfnisse unter

... Take lunchtime for the 30 million or so Britons who work away from home. When 1pm or whenever rolls around, only a quarter of us eat a meal that we or a loved one prepared earlier. The other three quarters, according to a survey last year for Deliveroo, either go hungry or grab something from the supermarket, canteen, cafe or vending machine.

In other words, more than 22 million of us are idiots.

For a start, if you buy a ready-made lunch every day, you are throwing away money – £1,288 a year, according to the penny-pinching site Vouchercloud. That is money you could have spent on a holiday, a top-of-the-range laptop, or well over 100 bottles of wine.
You are also neglecting your health. Study after study finds that takeaway food is stuffed with excess sugar, salt and fat. With a packed lunch, you are in control of all the ingredients. That doesn’t mean you will cook healthily but, if you don’t, you’ve only got yourself to blame.
The DIY approach also makes it easier to cater for personal preferences. Don’t like butter in your butty or coriander in your curry? Want extra chilli in your chilli con carne? Fine. Leave it out or put it in – it’s your choice. ...

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